We are a Mercury free dental office
Although the American Dental Association maintains the position that mercury filled “amalgam” fillings are safe and acceptable, many scientific studies have demonstrated evidence to the contrary. Recent studies have shown that the permissible exposure limit to mercury vapor as defined by the US Dept. of Labor/OSHA of .1mg/m3 is greatly exceeded when a mercury/amalgam AKA “silver” filling is placed in a patient’s mouth and that the simple act of eating or brushing one’s teeth while there is a mercury/amalgam filling in one’s mouth releases mercury vapor from the filling material. We are concerned about the health of our patients, so mercury-free dentistry is always practiced. We simply do not offer (mercury-containing) amalgam fillings
“Silver” dental amalgam filling material contains 50% mercury. When a person with an amalgam filling chews, mercury vapors are released in the mouth from the filling material. These vapors enter the person’s bloodstream and are carried into various areas of the body, where they can cause serious damage. In pregnant women, mercury is also carried to the fetus through the bloodstream and breast milk.
Mercury has been scientifically proven to have adverse effects on the human body. Research shows that mercury is directly linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, causes kidney and brain damage, reduces the ability to reproduce, exacerbates allergies, reduces hemoglobin’s oxygen-carrying capacity, and damages blood vessels.
How We Remove Mercury/Amalgam Fillings
Precautions must be taken when removing amalgam fillings. In order to remove the amalgam safely, the patient must be protected during the removal process in the following ways:
The use of intra oral and extra oral suction devices to collect the mercury vapor released from the mercury amalgam fillings as they are removed from the vicinity of the patient, adequate PPE and the use of a rubber dam to prevent inhalation of mercury vapors by our patients